Final update for our 30 day fitness and clear out challenge!


team holding a winning cup

Last week of the 30-day fitness clear out of the challenge!

So, we have come to the end of our challenge now let's see if the challengers succeeded, even if we haven't we are all winners anyway!!

Read on to see the Original aims and final updates!

Martine-Wanted to lose 5lbs, improve her fitness, sleep, and wellbeing- and intends to skip her way through it!

Martine’s Final Result

Martine(challenger) standing with her dog.
  “My total weight loss is 3lb as put half a pound back on!! Anyway, I’m continuing with walking and water intake and going to take up the skipping again soon. Been great to feel motivated with everyone else so thanks for letting me be part of it”😘xx  

..great to have you on the team!



head shot of Kirsty(challenger) after completing her steps
Just completed a run !!
Kirsty- Also wanted to lose 5lbs, drink 2 litres of water, follow a high protein diet, stop snacking and jog 300,000 steps through it all!

Kirsty’s Final Update- “Lost 2lbs, drinking more water (apart from my week of annual leave) Completed HIIT sessions 5 times per week and completed my 300,000 steps by Thursday. Total steps were 323,108.   Only managed to declutter out some stuff, not as much as I hoped but was something”. x  Well done Kirsty- you have done amazingly well!!👏👏👏

“Huge well done to everyone and thanks to Pauline for motivating us”👏  you're welcome!! 

Pauline-Editor- intends to lose 6lbs- improve sleep, increase walking distance per day, drink more water, study harder, worry less!

Pauline’s- Update –“ I managed to lose 4lbs in total- short 2lbs of my target.  I have averaged about 11,000 steps per day- depending on what day it was, my sleep pattern has slightly improved and I have definitely been on target with the water intake- and I have been decluttering as I go!! 


Fiona – She was determined to drink more water, stop eating her kid’s leftovers, increase her step count, increase walking, and follow some YouTube fitness videos!

Fiona’s final update- “I have lost 1.5kg in total. I have stopped eating my usual packet of crisps and a chocolate biscuit at night. I still eat some of the kid’s leftovers but not as much as I had been. Feel like on the days I’m working I need to try to get my steps up at night time but it’s made me aware that I don’t walk as much as when I’m working”.  

You are still doing well and now that summer is near, you will be able to increase your walking in the evening sun.💛

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your group it’s been great xx   You’re welcome!!


Liz- Following the 5:2 diet and intended to do the TDEE-total daily expenditure exercise- increase her vegetable intake and stop eating junk!

Liz’s final update “I’ve lost another kilo this week that 2.2kgs for me. Have lost momentum with the clear out as the kids have been off for EASTER break but would be keen to keep going with the challenge and I am managing either my 5 or 7k walks 4-5 x a week so I’m happy to have kept it up. Fasting tomorrow”. 💪👍

You have done really well- keep it up!


Christine-  Her aims were to at healthier, drink more water, increase vegetable intake, walk the dog more- up to 10,000 steps per day and raising money for WALKFORAUTISM, and get back into her red trousers!!

Christine’s final update-

Christine standing in her  red trousers
“My goal was to get the zip up of my trousers, drink 2L water and 10 000 daily steps and eat a vegetarian diet.  The total loss was 77. 3kg now 75.1kg. Thanks Pauline for support and opportunity. Heading in the right direction. I plan to continue to keep up water intake and pelvic floor exercises, walk the mad dog and eat mainly vegetarian, and will continue with the charity walk”

fantastic, and you got back into your sexy red trousers too!!  


Yvonne’s  -She Wanted to lose 5lbs as cut out junk food, go cold turkey and detox from sugar, walk 10,000 steps a day.  

Yvonne’s final update - "’s my update: -NOT lost any weight (gained 14oz)-NOT walked 10,000 steps per day (averaged nine) BUT made up for it in decluttering lots more items"! Lol 😂

...We think you have still done really well!

Pauline- Following the Weightwatchers diet, lose 7-10lbs, increase water intake, 10,000 steps per day, and do her indoor cycling!

Pauline Final update-

“I have lost 3.5lbs this week, total loss of 7.5lbs would have been better if wasn’t Easter and I also cleared out my loft, gardens tidier now and patio jet washed, the dog is knackered with the  extra walks - thanks for inviting me to join it helped motivate me 🥾 to actually do something” xx

Pauline IS our absolute champion challenger - WELL DONE !!  💝💝💝💝

Final thoughts!

picture of a camera and a motivational quoteWell done again to all the girls-this little challenge has been a positive influence for us all and although we may not all have reached our own individual set goals- we have definitely given ourselves the head start to a new healthier lifestyle plus enjoyed ourselves into the bargain, so much so, that we have decided to continue with the challenge.  Next time we will  include some other wee challenges along the way, for example, beat some cravings like sugar (my addiction actually-love a jelly baby!).

Anyway…thanks for reading- see you next time!!

By the way girls- when lockdown is finally over we are going to our local bar and the first healthy round is one me -thank you for your support with this blog- 💕💕💕💕

Pauline 💞





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